Press material

Below, you can download ready-to-print logos in PDF, JPEG or EPS format, as well as relevant press materials, such as images for use in articles.

The logo may not be edited, cropped or manipulated in any way. The ratio of height to width must always be maintained.


You are always welcome to contact raaco's marketing department if you have any questions, or need photos or other press material, on tel. + 45 54888400 or by e-mail: 


Click on the logo/images to download them.

Logo eps


Logo PDF


Logo jpg




raaco CarryLite Location 1


raaco CarryLite Location 2


raaco CarryLite Location 3


raaco CarryLite with inserts Location 4


raaco Tool Case Location 1


raaco Tool Case Location 2


raaco Tool Case Location 3


raaco Toolbag Location 1


raaco Open Toolbox Location 1


raaco Compact Location 1


raaco CarryLite LMS Location 1


raaco CarryLite LMS Location 2


raaco CarryLite LMS Location 3